Thursday, May 21, 2009

Warriors and Peacemakers

"War will exist until the distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige as the warrior does today."
-- John F. Kennedy

The calculated indifference of the [Clinton] administration to national defense has forced thousands of our most experienced and patriotic warriors to leave the military. We [Republicans] will once again make wearing the uniform the object of national pride.
-- Republican National Platform, 2000

It takes more courage
-- to pray -- unarmed -- for an armed attacker
-- than to kill -- armed with superior firepower -- an attacker.
It takes more courage
-- to follow the Prince of Peace
-- than to vote for war.
It takes more courage
-- to follow the Prince of Peace when all your friends call you names ("Coward!" "Traitor!")
-- than it does to obey the government's order to kill the innocent when all your friends obey too.

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