Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Oklahoma City - April 19, 1995

On this day, April 19, 1995, the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was damaged by an explosion. There was an explosion outside the building in a rented truck, but evidence strongly suggests the presence of explosives inside the building as well, as Brigadier General Benton K. Partin (USAF, retired), one of the military's foremost experts on explosives, has disclosed.

The extensive cover-up of evidence that would identify the parties that were responsible for the deaths of nearly 200 people in OKC -- including the identity of the Arab-looking "John Doe No. 2" -- demonstrates that the security of the American people cannot be entrusted to the federal government.

Employees of Gateway computers know (at least subconsciously) that they are competing with Dell Computers for the computer-buying dollars of American consumers. Employees of the federal government know (at least subconsciously) that they are a monopoly, and are not held accountable by any competition for the security-buying dollars of American voters. Those dollars can be taken by force or fraud without providing a valuable product or service. It was on this day, April 19, 1775, in Lexington and Concord, that the American colonists concluded that their security could not be entrusted to the British government.

The federal government's purpose is not to protect the rights of Americans. The dominant purpose of the federal government is to protect its own power. This is not to say there are no hard-working, patriotic Americans in the federal government who are concerned about the Constitution. But as an institution, structurally speaking, government is not held accountable by competition to actually succeed in protecting our rights. If the government fails to achieve its corporate purposes (as stated in its founding charters), it will not go bankrupt -- at least as you and I understand that term in the real-world limitations of our household and business budgets.

The Second Amendment of the Constitution was written to guarantee that Americans could always retain control over their own security, and overthrow any government that became a threat to their security. The Second Amendment was not written to protect hunters and gun collectors. It was written to protect the right of Americans to "alter or abolish" "any Form of Government [which] becomes destructive" of the rights with which Americans "are endowed by their Creator" (to use the words of the Declaration of Independence).

As I mentioned yesterday, any attempt to take up arms to overthrow the government -- even the attempt by America's Founding Fathers -- is unChristian and now (in the presence of a nuclear-armed leviathan) suicidal. But there is no real danger of any overthrow of the Bush-Clinton regime, because a lopsided supermajority of Americans believe in the federal government's power, right, ability and dedication of purpose to protect our security.

Genuine and lasting revolution can only take place when the American people's faith in the federal government is replaced by faith in a Higher Power. The "Cult of the Omnipotent State" must be replaced by the "true religion" spoken of by America's Founding Fathers. When this faith is developed, we will be ready to receive the blessing of God: "Liberty Under God." But not before.

The OKC bombing was timed to commemorate the lawless and brazen raid on the Branch Davidian cult in Waco, Texas, two years earlier. Click here for more on the government's involvement in and cover-up of the Oklahoma City bombing.

1 comment:

David Schantz said...

I'd really like to see the truth about OK, City and Waco come out in my life time but I'm afraid that will never happen.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.