On Tuesday of this week I had lunch with George Reisman, author of Capitalism. The book is a powerful and devastating critique of environmentalism, socialism, interventionism -- in short, the Bush Administration -- and yet the author is humble and soft-spoken. Must-reading for everyone who seeks to have a public impact on behalf of laissez-faire capitalism.
Reisman pointed out a deficiency in my immigration webpage: the lack of the connection between immigration and health care.
One frequent complaint against immigrants is the fact that many of them resort to hospital emergency rooms for the same health problems the rest of us go to doctor's offices. This is not as much a problem with immigrants as it is a problem with government regulation of health care. Immigrants -- and the rest of us -- should be able to get simple medical advice from pharmacists, nurses, clinicians, and others who are not surgeons or licensed specialists. Government regulations will not allow pharmacists to dispense medicine which any pharmacist knows will help an immigrant's health problem, so the immigrant goes to the ER. Churches could establish clinics staffed by RN's and others trained to deal with day-to-day medical problems, except that such clinics are illegal, since they violate government-protected medical monopolies. Medical problems which could be solved by someone with a couple of years of nutritional or medical training must only be solved by someone with 12 years of training and a government license, who understandably charges more than the RN in a clinic.
Highly-trained specialists have their place, of course. Tomorrow I'm seeing a specialist who will, I hope, discover that I'm still cancer-free. It's been a busy week, with trips to doctors a hundred miles apart, and I'm looking forward to returning to Missouri and blogging more regularly.
Have you seen www.drday.com ?
Cured her own cancer.
Bernie Brauer
I've heard of Dr. Day. I'm generally skeptical of those with "health" advice or cures. I become even more skeptical when they also offer questionable political advice. Consider this page:
Impeach Bush? Don’t Waste Your Time!
The idea that there are "zionists" in the Bush Administration is questionable, since it virtually created Hamas. These men are secular humanists before they are zionists.
But her medical story seems a little more questionable. Check out this page:
Stay Away from Dr. Lorraine Day
She says she didn't want conventional cancer treatment because (to simplify) the side effects were bad. But what could be worse than the symptoms she said she suffered? The whole story strikes me as rather unstable.
I gave up refined sugar, flour, and hydrogenated oils years ago, so it's not like I disagree with her recommendations, but I'm not sure they're a cure for cancer, and if I had a cure for cancer I would give it away.
Bernie, do you personally know anyone who has paid for Day's cures and succeeded in curing cancer?
It says on your Blog that you
are "still" cancer free.
Are you able to tell us the story behind that and the status?
I think a lot of people
respect you and your views and
a lot of people may want to try
and help you with information.
You don't have time to read 1,000
books on curing cancer
but 1,000 people
can read one book each, condense the
best advise and then send
you a one page email saying
"Kevin have you tried this?"
I sent that link because I
once read a statement that said:
"Let your food be your medicine
and your medicine be your food."
Which I interpreted to mean, that when you
are well eat nutritious foods and
liqiuds to stay healthy;
and when you are sick search for
and eat lots of the one or few
foods that cures or helps with that disease.
You can also go to a surgeon and
get their treatment too.
But try other things first
before toxic treatments
like chemotherapy.
Have you ever read a book called
Fit For Life Part Two?
I have never known anybody
to get sick by eating
nutritious fruits and vegetables.
Can you tell a brief story about
the ( former ) cancer, more
background information?
That last post was from me
Bernie Brauer,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Could both Bush and Hamas
have been created or funded
by Zionists, who are a secular
humanistic elite seeking
to gradually form
a world totalitarian dictatorship.
The same people who have
Designed a world paper currency system.
Have you been to sites like:
Do you know about Eric Hufschmid ?
WTC 911 was an inside job.
Have you written about this?
I can understand that it's a dangerous topic to expose.
I'm sure you know all this.
Bernie Brauer
After I graduated from college, and mostly to impress a girl friend, I started heeding the advice to "eat your vegetables." Before that I had a childish hatred of vegetables. I pulled the lettuce and tomato off my hamburger. ¡Que stupido!
In addition to beginning to eat my vegetables, I also made the changes I mentioned in my previous comment regarding refined sugar, refined flour, and hydrogenated oils.
If I could be sold on barley or anything else that Dr. Day sells, I would take it. I have no objection to natural foods.
But 400 years ago people were all eating "nutritious fruits and vegetables," and they still got sick and died.
But again, I'm willing to change the quantity or balance of foods I eat.
However I don't think I'll ever allow myself to be in such pain and sickness as Dr. Day did just to avoid doctors. I don't get that strategy at all.
Three years ago my doctor found a malignant polyp. It was removed. I can't imagine leaving it there and eating lots of barley, or lots of anything else. I'm happy it was cut out. Unfortunately, the polypectomy was not perfectly clean, and there has been some concern that the malignancy might return, but there has been no sign of that, at least up till now. Results of tests will be known next week.
I've not read "Fit for Life." I just now read the reviews at amazon.com. There are a couple of one-star reviews that are enough to convince me that I don't need the book, but you're welcome to argue the case for buying it.
Bernie asks,
"Could both Bush and Hamas
have been created or funded
by Zionists, who are a secular
humanistic elite seeking
to gradually form
a world totalitarian dictatorship.
The same people who have
Designed a world paper currency system."
Why call these people "zionists?" Why call them Jews?
This guy is a Jew:
These guys are not:
Their secular-ness and their NewWorldOrder-ness far outweighs any Jewish-ness they may have. I'm willing to be proven wrong, but I haven't seen the significance of their Jewishness.
More from Bernie:
"Have you been to sites like:
Maybe, but not regularly. Just looked at it again. I would go to the Mises Institute to learn about Churchill before savethemales.ca, but I'll look at it some more.
Can't say I've seen it before, but I just went there and didn't see anything too objectionable.
I can't say I've seen this, but I may have. There are so many sites like this, that I don't remember which ones I've seen. Again, I don't see why emphasis is placed on their alleged Jewishness. It's like some who criticize the fact that there are 4 or 5 catholics on the Supreme Court. They all swore before the Senate that they would not allow their catholicism to get in the way of the NewWorldOrder, and I believe them. Their religion is irrelevant to the progress of the NewWorldOrder. They are on the same side as the "zionists," and zionism has nothing to do with it.
"Do you know about Eric Hufschmid ?
www.erichufschmid.net "
Not until now.
"WTC 911 was an inside job.
Have you written about this?
I can understand that it's a dangerous topic to expose."
I am certainly open to the case that it was an inside job, and certainly believe it could have been prevented. I don't see the practical value of the issue, at least in a political campaign. Nobody is going to cast their vote based on this issue. It's too far out. Not that nobody has accused me of being too far out for wanting to make America a Christian nation again, but I'm willing to be far out for that cause, but not for "9-11 = inside job," even if it's true.
And I tend to think it was.
Tomorrow I'm seeing a specialist who will, I hope, discover that I'm still cancer-free.
I will be sure to pray for you.
I meant
Fit For Life II ( Two )
Living Health
From www.barnesandnoble.com
signed Bernie Brauer
Anonymous Bernie Brauer said...
Regarding the mises.org site
and others, sometimes
I think "too much" is
written on most topics.
For instance if the clothing
industry had always
been a State granted
corporate monopoly and
there was only one clothes
manufacturing company in the USA,
then all clothes might be made
of burlap. Black dyed for
the men and brown dyed for
the women. A pair of men's pants
would cost $400 and there would
be an eight month waiting period
for delivery.
The solution would be that
anybody should be able to start
their own clothing business tomorrow morning, with their own rules/design/materials.
Free and open competition.
That means there could be 10 or
100 or 1,000 or 10,000 or 100,000
clothes manufacturers in the USA
but the correct answer is
whatever number free and voluntary competition says there
should be.
So you see, that problem could be solved for good
with a very short two page write-up. No need for libraries full of books, degrees, and institutes.
Similar to the above analogy
"Anybody should be able to
start their own money/currency
business tomorrow morning with
their own rules/design/backing.
Competition would gradually
solve all problems and bring
the best products to market.
I always like to say that there "should be" 100,000
currency/money businesses in the USA. You see, if mises scrapped
their whole site and just did
a short 10 pager on money
issues, only had that on their site, it might be more effective.
Imagine that, the horendous
problems caused by a fiat currency
regime like wars and poverty and
genocide, solved with a 10-pager.
One hour of reading, followed by
action on that reading,
might be more effective
than studying an issue, two
hours a day for 20 years =
12,000 plus hours, and doing
nothing, taking no action.
That's not to say that mises.org
is not "the best" site
in their category.
Bernie says:
"if mises scrapped
their whole site and just did
a short 10 pager on money
issues, only had that on their site, it might be more effective.
One hour of reading, followed by
action on that reading,
might be more effective
than studying an issue, two
hours a day for 20 years =
12,000 plus hours, and doing
nothing, taking no action."
I would like to think that my website is a collection of such short papers. (That link is to the 2004 edition, still being revised for the 2006 campaign. Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. As these pages are revised, they can be found at http://KevinCraig.US/subject.htm, where "subject" can be replaced by the file name at aol.com.)
But people who have already devoted hundreds of hours to learning lies may require hundreds of hours to unlearn them and hundreds of hours to learn the truth. They might even go on to teach others in schools. I would not want Mises.org to eliminate all the long papers, though adding short papers would be great.
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