Monday, May 08, 2006

Branson Democrats

Yesterday I received an invitation to address Branson Democrats (it may be Taney County Democrats, I can't recall) tonight at the WishBone restaurant inside Engler Block, 1335 W Highway 76, Branson, 6:30 pm.

I did a little review of the Party Platforms:

If you take away specific references to names of candidates or parties, the Demoblican and Republicrat platforms are nearly identical. Each party claims to be the Savior of the world, and both parties advocate bigger government while paying rhetorical tribute to personal responsibility. A couple of campaigns ago I put together a page comparing the two parties on crime:


One could pull entire paragraphs out of each party platform, lay them side by side, and nobody could tell which party said it.

On nearly every issue, by contrast, the Libertarian Party Platform is bold and clear. I suppose one could argue that the LP Platform is just as utopian as the other parties, but the means to the end -- the proposed solution -- is specific. The LP proposes concrete cuts in government which will lead to liberty and predictable types of human action.

I think this is the first time I've been invited to speak to a rival party function. I'll challenge them to compare platforms.


Jake Porter said...

You can view their website

Anonymous said...


They updated their site a while ago, and many of their pages were lost such as the one on college Libertarian groups. I had to do a lot of my own research to find the groups again once the page was lost.