You hear a knock at the door.
Don't worry. It's not the Gestapo. It's the Justices of the New Mexico Supreme Court.
They report that Leni Riefenstahl has a cold, and has called in sick.
Since you're a gifted filmmaker, Our Dear Leader has requested that you complete the film project that Ms. Riefenstahl began, a documentary called Triumph of the Will.
You will be praised for your work. The film will be recognized around the world as one of the greatest documentaries ever made.
In case you're not up on historic films, Triumph of the Will is a 1935 film made by Leni Riefenstahl. It chronicles the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, which was attended by more than 700,000 Nazi supporters. The primary purpose of the film is to make Hitler and Nazism look good. No, great.
The Independent wrote in 2003: "Triumph of the Will seduced many wise men and women, persuaded them to admire rather than to despise, and undoubtedly won the Nazis friends and allies all over the world."
As an observant Jew, you respectfully and courteously decline to work on the film.
I'm sorry, but that just won't do.
That kind of selfishness violates New Mexico's "anti-discrimination" law.
You remind the New Mexico Supremes of the "freedom of religion" in our increasingly-irrelevant Constitution, and how that cannot be consistent with forcing a Jew to work on a Nazi propaganda film.

And still even more troubling was the concurring opinion of justice Richard Bosson. He acknowledged that, under New Mexico law, [believers] are “compelled . . . to compromise the very religious beliefs that inspire their lives.” He admitted that this compulsion will “leave a tangible mark on [believers] and others of similar views.”In other words, the Nazis are not required to compromise their desires to show tolerance for the Jews, it is believers who must compromise.
Nevertheless, this compromise is, according to Bosson, “the price of citizenship.” While [believers] are free to believe whatever they want, outside of their home they “have to channel their conduct, not their beliefs, so as to leave space for other Americans who believe something different.”
Bosson called this compromise “part of the glue that holds us together as a nation, the tolerance that lubricates the varied moving parts of us as a people.”
And "religious freedom" in the United States means as much as it does in North Korea, Saudi Arabia, or the "former" Soviet Union: you can believe anything you want, as long it stays in the space between your ears, and Big Brother doesn't know about it.
The U.S. is becoming a joke. Christians must never trade their heavenly citizenship for U.S. citizenship.
"Our citizenship is in heaven" (Philippians 3:20)