Ep. 1202 Abolish the Sex Offender Registry?
Here's an outline of my position on the issue of child pornography.
The word "pornography" comes from two Greek words, porneia, "fornication" or sexual sin of some kind, and graphe, "writing." In an illiterate society, such as ours, pictures substitute for words. In the Bible, the book called "Song of Solomon" is about marriage, not fornication. It is not designed to cause the reader to be sexually stimulated over the prospect of committing a sexual sin. It is therefore not "pornography."

And let's face the fact that the Signers of the Constitution would be horrified and angered at the government's atheistic and immoral education system, which pushes homosexuality and fornication on children in its captivity.
If I had a Staples "Easy" Button and could cause all pornography to vanish, I would push the button. Pornography would then begin to reappear soon thereafter. A Godly society wants to keep this from happening. Some folks suggest that pornographers, especially child pornographers, be locked in a cage with a psychopath who will sodomize the pornographer and maybe even beat him to death. This is not a Christian option.
I agree with the Bible that all sexual contact outside marriage is sinful and should be socially condemned. I also agree with the Bible that some forms of sexual contact are sinful even if "the government" claims the parties are "legally" "married." I believe most parents want their children to wait until they are married to just the right person in a life-long commitment before they have sexual contacts. The complete libertarian program would give these parents their wishes, or at least remove all government-sponsored undercutting of parental desires.
Government schools are presently the largest and most systematic criminal child abuse ring in America. This is The Harsh Truth About Public Schools. Jesus said it would be better to have a millstone tied around your neck and be thrown into the sea than to offend a little child (Luke 17:2). Child pornographers are clearly an example of the scum Jesus was talking about. But so are public school educrats who encourage children to experiment sexually before marriage (as long as the children use condoms, of course). It is a form of child abuse not to teach children "The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." Every single person who signed the Constitution would say the government is a child abuser by teaching children that homosexuality is not sinful.
Homeschool pioneer John Holt was not a Christian, and I'm sure he would be appalled at some of the things I've said in this post; and I don't agree with many things he said, but I am in fundamental agreement with his book Escape from Childhood. No, I don't believe a child should jump into an airplane and start flying -- I admit to the need for "flight instructors" -- but if my 14-year-old daughter, physically, emotionally, and intellectually mature beyond her years, meets the moral and intellectual equivalent of John Hancock or Samuel Adams, and she wants to marry Mr. Hancock, I don't believe the federal government has any rightful (or constitutional) authority to say she cannot. How many 14-year-old girls do you know who would appreciate John Hancock and want to begin a family with him? Not many in the government's school system, I'm sure of that. The government wants all citizens to be perpetual adolescents and dependents. John Holt says children should be encouraged to be mature and treated with at least the same respect we are willing to give to immature and irresponsible adults.
Sensible libertarians admit that some people will make bad decisions if given the freedom. Does that justify the entire institution of socialist education and coercive violence which is the essence of today's government? I say no.
The federal government is not the friend of children.
Part two of this analysis is here:
"Legalize" the 3 H's!
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