Tax and Fiscal Policy
1. Do you support eliminating the estate tax from the federal tax code on a permanent basis no later than 2010?
Yes _____X_____ No __________
If no, what specifically would you support?
2. Do you support repeal of the Alternative Minimum Tax?
_____X_____ Yes ______ No
3. Tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 will expire in 2010 without Congressional action. Do you support:
_________ Allowing the tax cuts to expire
_________ Extending the tax cuts
____X____ Making the tax cuts permanent
Please explain.
I oppose taxation. It is the moral equivalent of theft. America’s Founding Fathers threw tea into the Boston Harbor over a tax of 3 pence per pound. We pay ten times that amount on every gallon of gas. Tom Paine noted that 1 Samuel 8 indicates God’s displeasure over a king who demands as much (10%) as God does. The current federal government demands six times more than God does. See:
If you want taxes cut back to the level of British “tyranny,” you need someone who passionately opposes taxation, not just a “moderate” opponent.
4. There is growing dissatisfaction with the scope and complexity of the federal tax code. Would you support:
Major reform of the current tax code? ____Y______
A flat tax? ____Y______
The FairTax? ____Y____
Other options? ___Y___
Please explain your answer.
I would temporarily support any and all proposals that would demonstrably lead toward lower taxes.
Ultimately I favor the complete abolition of the Federal Income Tax and the IRS.
I favor cutting government spending commensurate with the abolition of the Federal Income Tax.
If we abolished the federal income tax entirely, and cut all government programs by the amount of money brought in by the personal income tax, we would have to cut the federal government back to the size it was during Bill Clinton’s second term in office.
Direct taxation is actually not the biggest burden on the American taxpayer. Social Security "contributions" confiscate more from many Americans than the Income Tax. Add to that the corporate income tax which is passed on to consumers. Finally there's The Inflation Tax. All of this is because special interests want money from the government, and they endorse the politicians that promise them that money. Sound "fiscal policy" begins with the notion that it is unethical to use government to take money from other people if you can't persuade them to give it to you or exchange it with you for something they want more.
See also Government Debt -- mofb #3
And comments on the Farm Bureau Policy Statement:
Monetary, Spending and Tax Policies
This is one in a series of blog posts answering questions posed to candidates in the 7th District by the Missouri Farm Bureau. Here is the list of mofb blog posts in this series.
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